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Car Diagnostics and Scanning Service

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Automotive Diagnostic Scanning Technicians

One of the most beneficial factors of car servicing has been the ability to accurately reveal certain issues in your vehicle through the use of processors, microchips and sensors. At ZOYZ Auto Services we ensure the best for your vehicle and safety. Using specialised software, our car diagnostic tools are able to identify and clearly view the problem areas in your vehicle. Diagnostic tests are able to view issues within the car's engine, brakes, transmission and exhaust system along with other major parts.

When To Have A Diagnostics Scan

Regular diagnostic scanning will ensure you have nothing to worry about and reduce the risk of more issues in the near future. With advanced technology at hand we are guaranteed to give you the best outcome and ensuring you are 100% safe and getting the vehicle back to you ready for the road.

Here are some common signs you may notice:

  • Warning lights on
  • Lack of power
  • Excessive fuel consumption
  • Car shakes or vibrates

At ZOYZ we value customer safety and satisfaction and encourage quality services. To book an appointment or if you have any further questions do not hesitate to call us on 09-2770391



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